About SEN Space
Our vision is to provide care and support services for children with additional needs and their families. We believe this holistic approach, supporting the family unit, provides the best outcomes for each family member. We believe early intervention is key, and by providing services as early as possible, and with consistency, our children and families will thrive and reach their full potential.
Our vision is to create this support, care and learning services throughout the lifetime of the child with additional needs. From early intervention sessions at 2 years old, specialist preschool provision from 3-4 years, after school and holiday clubs from 4-12 years, youth services from 13-19 years, and adult services and assisted living. Additionally, we hope to provide much needed respite for our families. We hope, in the not to distant future, to provide overnight respite and residential care for our children and young adults.

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We could not provide the services we offer without the financial support of our Funders & Sponsors. The more funding we receive, the more families we can help.
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Welcome to SEN Space!
A Non Profit Organisation Led by Children & Parent Carers